- Sarcastic, Fun-loving, Risk taker, Troublemaker
- Kind - Has a soft spot for kids and for those who need help
- Doesn’t take anything too seriously, at least that’s the way it seems on the surface
- Especially loves making fun of Ekemon
- Doesn’t let people get close emotionally
- Likes to flirt a lot. Has a lot of sex. One night stands are her specialty
- Super-stealthy - Expert at breaking into places and stealing things
- Master of disguise, languages, accents, dialects
- Enjoys reading adventure romance books and smutty adventure romance like the Dark Elf Desire series
- Kind - Has a soft spot for kids and for those who need help
- Doesn’t take anything too seriously, at least that’s the way it seems on the surface
- Especially loves making fun of Ekemon
- Doesn’t let people get close emotionally
- Likes to flirt a lot. Has a lot of sex. One night stands are her specialty
- Super-stealthy - Expert at breaking into places and stealing things
- Master of disguise, languages, accents, dialects
- Enjoys reading adventure romance books and smutty adventure romance like the Dark Elf Desire series
Dragonmarked – House Medani
Kalyna has a false identity created as a member of the Half-Elf Dragonmarked House Medani. She carries a silver Aracne Signet Ring identifying her as a member of House Medani. She slept with one of the makers of the rings and got him to become infatuated with her and make her a ring. She also has created a perfect replica of a lesser Mark of Detection that the House Medani members have as their Dragonmark. Mark of Detection allows bearers to detect threats, making House Medani operatives valuable to noble and royal families. Her cover story is she has been based mostly in Aundair and Thrane and recently returned to Breland.
Melody ir’Autunmbrew
Daughter of Baron in Wyr (Aundair)
She knows this Baron and his real daughter well. She got to know him from her time in Aundair working as a spy for the Queen. So she can accurately answer most questions about him. She studied the daughter’s mannerisms, speech patterns, and writing. She has a wig and clothes virtually exactly matching his daughter. She chose this disguise because she already bore a passing resemblance to the daughter so it wasn’t hard to come up with a disguise that would fool all except family and close friends. Her Half-Elf ears are the main concern as the daughter is human. So she makes sure the wig totally covers her ears. She also knows the daughter has little contact with people outside of Aundair so it’s very unlikely anyone will see through her disguise outside of Aundair and even within the country it proves quite effective.
Kalyna has a false identity created as a member of the Half-Elf Dragonmarked House Medani. She carries a silver Aracne Signet Ring identifying her as a member of House Medani. She slept with one of the makers of the rings and got him to become infatuated with her and make her a ring. She also has created a perfect replica of a lesser Mark of Detection that the House Medani members have as their Dragonmark. Mark of Detection allows bearers to detect threats, making House Medani operatives valuable to noble and royal families. Her cover story is she has been based mostly in Aundair and Thrane and recently returned to Breland.
Melody ir’Autunmbrew
Daughter of Baron in Wyr (Aundair)
She knows this Baron and his real daughter well. She got to know him from her time in Aundair working as a spy for the Queen. So she can accurately answer most questions about him. She studied the daughter’s mannerisms, speech patterns, and writing. She has a wig and clothes virtually exactly matching his daughter. She chose this disguise because she already bore a passing resemblance to the daughter so it wasn’t hard to come up with a disguise that would fool all except family and close friends. Her Half-Elf ears are the main concern as the daughter is human. So she makes sure the wig totally covers her ears. She also knows the daughter has little contact with people outside of Aundair so it’s very unlikely anyone will see through her disguise outside of Aundair and even within the country it proves quite effective.
Born in Stormreach on Xen’drik. Grew up in Locksmith Square in the Silverwall District of the city. Her father, Kharis, was an elf but died when she was five. She has fond memories of him but the older she gets the more she's afraid of those memories fading. She knows little of her elven heritage. It's something she wishes she knew more about.
Her mother, Cassandra, is human. She taught Kalyna to to steal, deceive, and pass herself off as others from a young age. She often got into mischief on the streets of Stormreach. Of course, the city was a place where most people got into similar trouble and most of the Stormreach Guards didn’t care about enforcing the law, as long as it didn’t interfere with the Storm Lords business. And Cassandra taught Kalyna early on not to mess around with the Storm Lords. That’s the one thing you didn’t do in Stormreach. Everything else was pretty much fair game.
She and Cassandra were never rich but they always managed to steal enough to get by and give some of what they stole to those in need. Kalyna made friends pretty easily, no matter what race or culture they were from. She even became friends with some Hill Giants. One in particular she became good friends with. His name was Grutag and he shared Kalyna’s sarcastic sense of humor. The two would often trade insults, both knowing the insults showed how much each cared about the other. The few times Kalyna ventured outside of Stormreach was with Grutag. Xen’drik was not a safe place at all, but traveling with a Giant made it a lot safer. Kalyna loved riding on Grutag’s shoulder. It made her feel as if she was almost flying since he was so high off the ground.
Kalyna loved participating in the Rubble Races in Stormreach. Rubble Races were dangerous parkour races through Stormreach, testing participants’ acrobatic skills. Racers would traverse the tops of fruit stands, huge walls, pillars, and even the floating ruins throughout the city trying to make it to the finish line first. Kalyna started participating in these when she was ten, much to the chagrin of Cassandra, who feared she would get hurt. By age thirteen, she was winning a decent number of the races, which she was very proud of and would brag about.
When she was fifteen, Cassandra took Kalyna to Khorvaire, a much more civilized continent than Xen’drik. Cassandra wanted a better life for Kalyna. But that’s when Kalyna discovered Cassandra was pulling the biggest deception of all. That she wasn't really her mother.
Kalyna found a letter from her father hidden in Casandra’s things. It asked Cassandra to raise Kalyna if anything happened to him. And to never tell her the truth about her real mother.
Kalyna confronted Cassandra about the letter. She was angry Cassandra never told her the truth. They had a huge fight. Cassandra said she didn’t want to raise Kalyna but she owed her life to Kalyna’s father so raised her to pay her debt to him. She said she never loved Kalyna.
Kalyna ran off, extremely hurt and upset. When she returned, Cassandra was gone. As were all her things. Except for a book called “Where the Elves Are,” a children’s book Cassandra would read to Kalyna all the time when she was growing up. Kalyna always wanted to know more about her Elven heritage so she loved that book. Kalyna took the book and still always carries it with her.
Cassandra lied to Kalyna when she said she didn’t want to raise her and didn’t love her. At first she did do it because she felt she owed Kalyna’s father. But she came to care for Kalyna a great deal and look at her as her daughter. She does love her. She said all that because she had to go on an extremely dangerous mission and didn’t want Kalyna involved. She couldn’t risk Kalyna getting hurt or killed. And she swore to her father she wouldn’t tell Kalyna about her mother. So even though lying to Kalyna about not loving her was the hardest thing Cassandra had to do, she did it to protect Kalyna. Kalyna doesn’t find this out to many years later.
With Cassandra gone, Kalyna to fend for herself when she was sixteen. She also left Kalyna without answers. At the time she left they were in Aundair after having traveled through various nations of Khorvaire for the past year. Kalyna stayed in Aundair for a while taking various jobs thanks to the skills she learned from Cassandra. At 19, she started working for Queen Aurala and quickly became one of the Royal Eyes of Aundair.
Because of what she thought was Cassandra's betrayal, Kalyna doesn't let people get close. She jokes and lies more than she tells the truth, and she falls in and out of purely physical relationships as easily as she falls in and out of disguises.
If she does let her guard down and is completely honest with someone, it means she's starting to feel close to that person and trust them, and that scares her.
She vowed to use the skills Cassandra taught her not to hurt people but to help them. She's hired to do a variety of jobs: infiltrate places passing herself off as someone else, break into places and steal items, and get people to reveal things they shouldn't. But she only takes jobs when she feels the cause is just.
She usually steals only from the rich and corrupt or when she really needs to in order to survive. Stealing from the wealthy is often part of the job she’s taken on, but even when she’s not doing a job, she doesn’t have much of a problem stealing from the rich.
She feels they’re mostly corrupt and will do whatever it takes to gain money and power. She knows this from all the times she’s done jobs passing herself off as an aristocrat and seeing firsthand how dishonest and treacherous they are.
She often gives part of what she steals to the poor, especially children. There was a brief time growing up when she and Cassandra had almost nothing. She never wants to go back to that so she empathizes with those in need. It’s also why she’ll steal when necessary – so she never has to live without means again. So she sometimes spends a little too much on comforts than she really needs – she’ll often stay in a fine inn rather than a standard one when she has the money.
Though to be honest, what she spends usually depends on the job. If she has to pass herself off as an aristocrat, she’ll play the part (with the client’s money of course). If she has to infiltrate a gang of thugs, she’ll stay in more modest accommodations. One thing she’ll never pass up is a good tavern. And by good she doesn’t mean a fine-looking establishment. She means a place she can down a few tankards of mead and fine an attractive member of either sex to sleep with (or maybe one of both). She's open to having sex with many different races but is most attracted to Humans, Elves, and fellow Half-Elves.
She joins the adventure party because she figures it’s a good way to travel to different cities and regions and find information about Cassandra. Her primary reason for joining the party isn’t to help them but to use it as a cover to locate Cassandra. She doesn’t feel any particular loyalty, at least not at first, to the party, but she’s also not one to stand idly by if someone needs help so she can be counted on when there’s trouble. She’s not looking to make close friends but deep down that’s exactly what she needs the most. As she journeys more with the other adventurers, she learns to trust them and form true friendships again.
She's vowed to track down Cassandra and discover the truth about her real mother.
She enjoys reading, especially romance and adventure books. In fact, she can't pass by a bookstore without going in and browsing. Her favorite is a well-known smutty romantic adventure series by Seraphina Shadowstar called "Dark Elf Desire." She's dying to get her hands on the latest book in the series: Volume IV, titled "Underworld Enchantment" but every bookstore she's been to so far has been sold out of it.
She also loves reading books about elves, whether it's fictional stories about them or historical books. She's fascinated by her elven side, since she knows so little about it, and wants to learn as much as possible. Whenever she comes across an elf, she tries to strike up a conversation to find out how they grew up and what it was like growing up as an elf. Many of them don't pay her much attention since she's a half-elf but she's able to charm enough of them to chat with her for a while. She's also fascinated by Dark Elves and sometimes fantasizes about having a romantic encounter with a sexy Dark Elf. Hence her fascination with the Dark Elf book series.
She’s had one semi-real relationship. About a year ago, she was hired to steal a gemstone necklace from a noblewoman – Alesia Damero. The necklace had originally been stolen from the rightful owners, though Alesia didn’t know that. Kalyna broke into Alesia’s castle and stole the necklace. But Alesia walked in on her. So seeing a ridiculously beautiful woman, Kalyna naturally grabbed her and kissed her. Then jumped out the window with the necklace as the guards approached. She disguised herself as an old beggar woman in the streets and the guards ran right by her.
A few towns away, Kalyna was shocked to see Alesia show up at a tavern. She had tracked Kalyna down. Alesia wasn’t your typical noblewoman. She had training as a Ranger and was a master of the bow. She was impressed Kalyna was able to break into her castle so easily. She hired Kalyna to do a job for her. During the adventure, things turned romantic. At first it was just sex. But then Kalyna actually started to develop real feelings for Alesia. Which scared the shit out of her. So after the job was over Kalyna left. She was too afraid of getting close to Alesia and having her heart broken again like when she Cassandra left her alone. She told herself she needed to focus on finding Cassandra and couldn’t be tied down to one place as a way of justifying leaving – justifying it to both Alesia and herself. Alesia understood but was hurt and disappointed. She could have asked to go along with Kalyna but felt a duty to the people of her land and to her husband (even though it was an arranged marriage and she didn’t really love him). So they parted ways. Kalyna hasn’t seen Alesia since but often thinks of her and thinks about returning to see her.
Kalyna has worked as a spy (Royal Eye) for Queen Aurala of Aundair and for a short time was one of the Queen's most trusted espionage agents. Feeling she didn't really want to work for one country over another, Kalyna left to pursue her quest to find Cassandra. But not before giving the Queen a few pointers in how to succeed in the bedroom. She developed her House Medani false identity while working in the employ of Queen Aurala.
On her adventures with the party, she ran into Alesia. Kalyna apologized for the way she left before and told Alesia she does really care about her. They resumed their romantic relationship with Kalyna visiting Alesia in Lathleer whenever she could (and when she wasn’t busy saving the world with the party).
Alesia also gave her a lead on finding Cassandra. She introduced Kalyna to Halden d’Deneith, a Sentinel Marshal. He told Kalyna that Cassandra had been working with him to take down a vile drug smuggling group called The Bones. In exchange for her help, Halden was to set Kalyna up in Sharn and provide an education for her at Morgrave University. But Cassandra went missing and he fears The Bones had captured her.
With the party and Halden’s help, Kalyna was able to rescue Cassandra from The Bones hideout in Korth. She was missing a hand and eye thanks to the barbarous leader of The Bones, Roland Thul. Kalyna and the party captured Thul, with Kalyna delivering the knock out blow and taking one of Thul’s eyes in retribution.
Kalyna realized Cassandra had never abandoned her and had been captured all this time. She realized Cassandra just wanted to make a better life for Kalyna and really did love her. Kalyna hugged Cassandra fiercely and said she was sorry she thought the worst of her. Kalyna and the party brought Cassandra back to their mansion in Sharn, where she now lives and has recovered nicely. Kalyna is extremely happy to have Cassandra back in her life and looks at her once again as her mother, not caring that she isn’t her birth mother.
Months later, Cassandra told Kalyna that her father didn’t want her to know about her real mother and didn’t tell Cassandra much either. Cassandra did know that it had something to do with Kalyna’s grandmother. But he kept a storage box with House Kundarak and set it up so Cassandra could access it.
Cassandra got the box from House Kundarak and gave it to Kalyna. Kalyna opened it and found a signet ring with what looked like a noble house sigil on it. Cassandra theorized that Kalyna’s mother was a noble and had a relationship with Kalyna’s father but Kalyna’s grandmother disapproved.
Kalyna went to the University of Morgrave Library in Sharn and researched the sigil. In a book she found that the sigil belonged to ir’Onem, a noble Cyran house. One that was located in Metrol, the capital of Cyre, and was one of the more influential noble houses. It seemed that Kalyna’s real mother was a Cyran, which makes Kalyna half Cyran.
In New Cyre, a bartender put Kalyna in touch with a woman named Talara, who had been a servant to many noble Cryan houses, including House ir’Onem. Kalyna asked if Talara knew her mother. Talara said she did. Her mother’s name was Sadira but it’s been twenty-four years since she last saw her. She only spoke briefly to her in passing but she remembers her mother as being well-liked and very talented in music. She played the violin and mastered three of four other instruments as well. She told Kalyan she definitely resembled Sadira.
Talara said she could ask the other former servants if they knew the whereabouts of Sadira. Kalyna was very grateful and gave her money to make the trip to the nearest Speakerpost in Starilaskur to send any information she find to Kalyna as well as some extra money. Kalyna was excited to have the first real lead on her birth mother.
Her mother, Cassandra, is human. She taught Kalyna to to steal, deceive, and pass herself off as others from a young age. She often got into mischief on the streets of Stormreach. Of course, the city was a place where most people got into similar trouble and most of the Stormreach Guards didn’t care about enforcing the law, as long as it didn’t interfere with the Storm Lords business. And Cassandra taught Kalyna early on not to mess around with the Storm Lords. That’s the one thing you didn’t do in Stormreach. Everything else was pretty much fair game.
She and Cassandra were never rich but they always managed to steal enough to get by and give some of what they stole to those in need. Kalyna made friends pretty easily, no matter what race or culture they were from. She even became friends with some Hill Giants. One in particular she became good friends with. His name was Grutag and he shared Kalyna’s sarcastic sense of humor. The two would often trade insults, both knowing the insults showed how much each cared about the other. The few times Kalyna ventured outside of Stormreach was with Grutag. Xen’drik was not a safe place at all, but traveling with a Giant made it a lot safer. Kalyna loved riding on Grutag’s shoulder. It made her feel as if she was almost flying since he was so high off the ground.
Kalyna loved participating in the Rubble Races in Stormreach. Rubble Races were dangerous parkour races through Stormreach, testing participants’ acrobatic skills. Racers would traverse the tops of fruit stands, huge walls, pillars, and even the floating ruins throughout the city trying to make it to the finish line first. Kalyna started participating in these when she was ten, much to the chagrin of Cassandra, who feared she would get hurt. By age thirteen, she was winning a decent number of the races, which she was very proud of and would brag about.
When she was fifteen, Cassandra took Kalyna to Khorvaire, a much more civilized continent than Xen’drik. Cassandra wanted a better life for Kalyna. But that’s when Kalyna discovered Cassandra was pulling the biggest deception of all. That she wasn't really her mother.
Kalyna found a letter from her father hidden in Casandra’s things. It asked Cassandra to raise Kalyna if anything happened to him. And to never tell her the truth about her real mother.
Kalyna confronted Cassandra about the letter. She was angry Cassandra never told her the truth. They had a huge fight. Cassandra said she didn’t want to raise Kalyna but she owed her life to Kalyna’s father so raised her to pay her debt to him. She said she never loved Kalyna.
Kalyna ran off, extremely hurt and upset. When she returned, Cassandra was gone. As were all her things. Except for a book called “Where the Elves Are,” a children’s book Cassandra would read to Kalyna all the time when she was growing up. Kalyna always wanted to know more about her Elven heritage so she loved that book. Kalyna took the book and still always carries it with her.
Cassandra lied to Kalyna when she said she didn’t want to raise her and didn’t love her. At first she did do it because she felt she owed Kalyna’s father. But she came to care for Kalyna a great deal and look at her as her daughter. She does love her. She said all that because she had to go on an extremely dangerous mission and didn’t want Kalyna involved. She couldn’t risk Kalyna getting hurt or killed. And she swore to her father she wouldn’t tell Kalyna about her mother. So even though lying to Kalyna about not loving her was the hardest thing Cassandra had to do, she did it to protect Kalyna. Kalyna doesn’t find this out to many years later.
With Cassandra gone, Kalyna to fend for herself when she was sixteen. She also left Kalyna without answers. At the time she left they were in Aundair after having traveled through various nations of Khorvaire for the past year. Kalyna stayed in Aundair for a while taking various jobs thanks to the skills she learned from Cassandra. At 19, she started working for Queen Aurala and quickly became one of the Royal Eyes of Aundair.
Because of what she thought was Cassandra's betrayal, Kalyna doesn't let people get close. She jokes and lies more than she tells the truth, and she falls in and out of purely physical relationships as easily as she falls in and out of disguises.
If she does let her guard down and is completely honest with someone, it means she's starting to feel close to that person and trust them, and that scares her.
She vowed to use the skills Cassandra taught her not to hurt people but to help them. She's hired to do a variety of jobs: infiltrate places passing herself off as someone else, break into places and steal items, and get people to reveal things they shouldn't. But she only takes jobs when she feels the cause is just.
She usually steals only from the rich and corrupt or when she really needs to in order to survive. Stealing from the wealthy is often part of the job she’s taken on, but even when she’s not doing a job, she doesn’t have much of a problem stealing from the rich.
She feels they’re mostly corrupt and will do whatever it takes to gain money and power. She knows this from all the times she’s done jobs passing herself off as an aristocrat and seeing firsthand how dishonest and treacherous they are.
She often gives part of what she steals to the poor, especially children. There was a brief time growing up when she and Cassandra had almost nothing. She never wants to go back to that so she empathizes with those in need. It’s also why she’ll steal when necessary – so she never has to live without means again. So she sometimes spends a little too much on comforts than she really needs – she’ll often stay in a fine inn rather than a standard one when she has the money.
Though to be honest, what she spends usually depends on the job. If she has to pass herself off as an aristocrat, she’ll play the part (with the client’s money of course). If she has to infiltrate a gang of thugs, she’ll stay in more modest accommodations. One thing she’ll never pass up is a good tavern. And by good she doesn’t mean a fine-looking establishment. She means a place she can down a few tankards of mead and fine an attractive member of either sex to sleep with (or maybe one of both). She's open to having sex with many different races but is most attracted to Humans, Elves, and fellow Half-Elves.
She joins the adventure party because she figures it’s a good way to travel to different cities and regions and find information about Cassandra. Her primary reason for joining the party isn’t to help them but to use it as a cover to locate Cassandra. She doesn’t feel any particular loyalty, at least not at first, to the party, but she’s also not one to stand idly by if someone needs help so she can be counted on when there’s trouble. She’s not looking to make close friends but deep down that’s exactly what she needs the most. As she journeys more with the other adventurers, she learns to trust them and form true friendships again.
She's vowed to track down Cassandra and discover the truth about her real mother.
She enjoys reading, especially romance and adventure books. In fact, she can't pass by a bookstore without going in and browsing. Her favorite is a well-known smutty romantic adventure series by Seraphina Shadowstar called "Dark Elf Desire." She's dying to get her hands on the latest book in the series: Volume IV, titled "Underworld Enchantment" but every bookstore she's been to so far has been sold out of it.
She also loves reading books about elves, whether it's fictional stories about them or historical books. She's fascinated by her elven side, since she knows so little about it, and wants to learn as much as possible. Whenever she comes across an elf, she tries to strike up a conversation to find out how they grew up and what it was like growing up as an elf. Many of them don't pay her much attention since she's a half-elf but she's able to charm enough of them to chat with her for a while. She's also fascinated by Dark Elves and sometimes fantasizes about having a romantic encounter with a sexy Dark Elf. Hence her fascination with the Dark Elf book series.
She’s had one semi-real relationship. About a year ago, she was hired to steal a gemstone necklace from a noblewoman – Alesia Damero. The necklace had originally been stolen from the rightful owners, though Alesia didn’t know that. Kalyna broke into Alesia’s castle and stole the necklace. But Alesia walked in on her. So seeing a ridiculously beautiful woman, Kalyna naturally grabbed her and kissed her. Then jumped out the window with the necklace as the guards approached. She disguised herself as an old beggar woman in the streets and the guards ran right by her.
A few towns away, Kalyna was shocked to see Alesia show up at a tavern. She had tracked Kalyna down. Alesia wasn’t your typical noblewoman. She had training as a Ranger and was a master of the bow. She was impressed Kalyna was able to break into her castle so easily. She hired Kalyna to do a job for her. During the adventure, things turned romantic. At first it was just sex. But then Kalyna actually started to develop real feelings for Alesia. Which scared the shit out of her. So after the job was over Kalyna left. She was too afraid of getting close to Alesia and having her heart broken again like when she Cassandra left her alone. She told herself she needed to focus on finding Cassandra and couldn’t be tied down to one place as a way of justifying leaving – justifying it to both Alesia and herself. Alesia understood but was hurt and disappointed. She could have asked to go along with Kalyna but felt a duty to the people of her land and to her husband (even though it was an arranged marriage and she didn’t really love him). So they parted ways. Kalyna hasn’t seen Alesia since but often thinks of her and thinks about returning to see her.
Kalyna has worked as a spy (Royal Eye) for Queen Aurala of Aundair and for a short time was one of the Queen's most trusted espionage agents. Feeling she didn't really want to work for one country over another, Kalyna left to pursue her quest to find Cassandra. But not before giving the Queen a few pointers in how to succeed in the bedroom. She developed her House Medani false identity while working in the employ of Queen Aurala.
On her adventures with the party, she ran into Alesia. Kalyna apologized for the way she left before and told Alesia she does really care about her. They resumed their romantic relationship with Kalyna visiting Alesia in Lathleer whenever she could (and when she wasn’t busy saving the world with the party).
Alesia also gave her a lead on finding Cassandra. She introduced Kalyna to Halden d’Deneith, a Sentinel Marshal. He told Kalyna that Cassandra had been working with him to take down a vile drug smuggling group called The Bones. In exchange for her help, Halden was to set Kalyna up in Sharn and provide an education for her at Morgrave University. But Cassandra went missing and he fears The Bones had captured her.
With the party and Halden’s help, Kalyna was able to rescue Cassandra from The Bones hideout in Korth. She was missing a hand and eye thanks to the barbarous leader of The Bones, Roland Thul. Kalyna and the party captured Thul, with Kalyna delivering the knock out blow and taking one of Thul’s eyes in retribution.
Kalyna realized Cassandra had never abandoned her and had been captured all this time. She realized Cassandra just wanted to make a better life for Kalyna and really did love her. Kalyna hugged Cassandra fiercely and said she was sorry she thought the worst of her. Kalyna and the party brought Cassandra back to their mansion in Sharn, where she now lives and has recovered nicely. Kalyna is extremely happy to have Cassandra back in her life and looks at her once again as her mother, not caring that she isn’t her birth mother.
Months later, Cassandra told Kalyna that her father didn’t want her to know about her real mother and didn’t tell Cassandra much either. Cassandra did know that it had something to do with Kalyna’s grandmother. But he kept a storage box with House Kundarak and set it up so Cassandra could access it.
Cassandra got the box from House Kundarak and gave it to Kalyna. Kalyna opened it and found a signet ring with what looked like a noble house sigil on it. Cassandra theorized that Kalyna’s mother was a noble and had a relationship with Kalyna’s father but Kalyna’s grandmother disapproved.
Kalyna went to the University of Morgrave Library in Sharn and researched the sigil. In a book she found that the sigil belonged to ir’Onem, a noble Cyran house. One that was located in Metrol, the capital of Cyre, and was one of the more influential noble houses. It seemed that Kalyna’s real mother was a Cyran, which makes Kalyna half Cyran.
In New Cyre, a bartender put Kalyna in touch with a woman named Talara, who had been a servant to many noble Cryan houses, including House ir’Onem. Kalyna asked if Talara knew her mother. Talara said she did. Her mother’s name was Sadira but it’s been twenty-four years since she last saw her. She only spoke briefly to her in passing but she remembers her mother as being well-liked and very talented in music. She played the violin and mastered three of four other instruments as well. She told Kalyan she definitely resembled Sadira.
Talara said she could ask the other former servants if they knew the whereabouts of Sadira. Kalyna was very grateful and gave her money to make the trip to the nearest Speakerpost in Starilaskur to send any information she find to Kalyna as well as some extra money. Kalyna was excited to have the first real lead on her birth mother.