2/22/2015 02:18:24 pm
Mark Hamill will be reprising his role as The Joker in the new Star Wars movie
2/22/2015 02:43:51 pm
Haha! Dezzles you have no idea how much I would actually want to see that happen! That would be amazing!
Alexander Martin
2/25/2015 12:31:22 pm
2/22/2015 02:21:53 pm
Harrison Ford will be using a lightsaber whip in all three of the new Star Wars movies and will pass on his winning fedora to his first born
2/22/2015 02:44:28 pm
A lightsaber whip! Dezzles your'e coming up with movie gold with these awesome ideas!
2/22/2015 03:10:54 pm
I know I'm not much of a Star Wars fan but since J.J. Abrams has decided to do BOTH Star Wars & Star would make me wonder if he's going to try to have some of the actors of his version of Star Trek to make cameos in the Star Wars universe?
2/23/2015 01:11:09 pm
I wonder if J.J Abrams will try to combine Star Wars & Star Trek that the people of Star Wars realize that their whole existence was some holodeck program invented by Lt. Barkley? :-D
2/24/2015 06:24:27 pm
Haha! I loved Lieutenant Barclay on Star Trek: The Next Generation! And that would totally be something he might create on the holodeck. Also I really want a holodeck! Like so bad! What would you do with a holodeck Anthony? Wait, I know! Orion Slave Girls, right? :)
2/24/2015 06:24:52 pm
That would be amazing!!
2/23/2015 11:42:54 am
Darth Vader will be resurrected so that he can join Mulan in the Avengers trying to stop Sauron from destroying Corruscant
2/23/2015 11:46:29 am
Darkstar and Leia will duke it out over who has the cutest child, meanwhile Captain Amazing, Han and Jar Jar Binks will be at the pub on Corruscant drinking and trying to set Jar Jar up with Twi'lek dancers. Down side is that Captain Amazing keeps distracting the dancers leaving Han and Jar Jar experiencing an awkward romantic moment
2/23/2015 11:57:41 am
Episode 8 pretty much devolves into a Star Wars themed version of Dude Where's My Car, entitled Star Wars VIII: Dude Where's The Falcon
2/23/2015 12:41:21 pm
In Episode VII, we find out that Yoda had faked his own death, waiting until the time was right to return and become the one true Sith Lord. Dagobah was, after all, just a bit of a holiday while someone sorted out Palpatine and Vader
2/23/2015 12:58:20 pm
In this story arc, we find out that Jeff and Yoda are in both a Sith and romantic relationship. Tensions caused between them increase dramatically over Jeff's milk addiction, Yoda finds the consumption of milk overall disdainful.
2/24/2015 06:26:32 pm
Dezzles!! You have so many amazing crazy storylines it's incredible! It's almost as if you sit around all day thinking these things up :) Thanks for all the laughs! And yes it's very likely I would get drunk on milk so that's a very plausible scenario :)
2/24/2015 11:41:24 pm
Jar Jar Binks somehow managed to slip and accidentally get a sample of his DNA into the cloning facility on Kamino. The resulting Binks clones went on to accidentally wipe out all life in multiple sectors before finally being stopped by a conveniently placed self destruct button labeled "Don't push me".
2/25/2015 12:38:34 am
William Shatner will take on the role of dashing but pudgy retired Starship captain turned smuggler for Jabba.
Alexander Martin
2/25/2015 12:49:25 pm
Kristen Stewart will be the primary Sith lord... The master, not the apprentice.
Alexander Martin
2/25/2015 01:45:34 pm
I just died laughing.
Alexander Martin
2/25/2015 04:01:10 pm
A Cylon/Skynet hybrid will invade an upgraded Deathstar and use Borg technology to merge it with the Star Forge. Checkmate
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August 2017
CategoriesAuthorJEFF - I love Star Wars, Star Trek DS9 and TNG, The Flash, Arrow, Equilibrium, anything Christopher Nolan does, The Terminator, Back To The Future, RPGs especially Mass Effect and Dragon Age, martial arts movies, and Bantha Milk! |